Scientist / Metallurgist / Technician roles - hard-rock lithium

You at Imerys / British Lithium are trying to recruit:

I have duly submitted applications through the "Human Resources" process since mid February 2024 with no good result.

Having followed procedure; the reality was always that a "Human Resources" function could no more recruit a Principal Metallurgist than pigs will perform synchronised flying dances at the next Olympics.
The median probable background for "Principal Metallurgist" as handled by a "Human Resources" function is car salesperson.
The "smooth progression model" is "reward without challenge"; trajectory to "expense without income".

My relevant presence and background

The key points

Transferable skills from physical metallurgist and engineer

The skills look like this:
Cornwall - engineer roles covering-letter
At a glance with pictures for each method : analysis<=>application.
Any equipment you have to make or modify; any lifting operations; etc - you have strengthened your team by diversifying your talents.

Minerals and mining/quarrying

Aiming at extractive metallurgy: read Barry Wills "Mineral Processing Technology" .
Bringing my Doctoral level ability to acquire knowledge to bear on this subject.
I will bring a fresh outlook, while respectful of accumulated experience of those in-post. Construction site experience - good at this...

I have used a Holman Silver 900 Airleg rock-drill, drilling 1.5m into hard granite in a few minutes.

Trivial but there - created solution to break-up granite boulders by using a "cordless" SDS drill and "feathers" - portable and self-sufficient. Illustrative of aptitude, application and determination.

Index to entire Mining, Minerals, Geology, etc. section of my website.

Would be interested in getting shotfirer's "ticket". Know bench-blasting and tunnel-blasting "tickets" are different - will sort-out which to go for. Networking has me knowing of the depot in St Austell offering an extensive range of materials.

My projects are initial-stage high-returns ground-breaking

My projects have been at the start of the learning curve, breaking new ground, creating new knowledge and giving high returns.
Schematically represented here - returns vs time & effort :

Major projects where this was so:

High returns / new solutions is likely to be of interest to a commercial operation...

Good juncture to make this point: it became clear early-on in my industrial career that I was seeing correlations and solutions which many never would - what aptitudes they had was not this.
Harmonious acceptance is seen in the first case following.

Like cases - encouraging

There is every reason to believe that I would be a very productive contributor and team-member. A couple of similar-ish examples.

Cronite Castings, South Somerset, 2009

This was the sole major employer in the town, and many had relatives and parents or sons/daughters also working there.
My surprise introduction to how things would be was in the lost-wax foundry, where they had a notably "chunky" casting type which developed a lot of shrinkage defects. I advanced a suggestion that they "suck" heat out of the bottom of the casting by placing the ceramic shells on a thick steel plate, while they "hold-in" the heat at the top of the casting with something like mineral wool. Trying to create progressive "feeding".
My surprise was a couple of minutes later when the assistant furnaceperson forklift'ed in a large steel plate about 20mm thickness, while the shell-dewaxing steam autoclave operator was busy with a roll of mineral-wool and a pail of "thin" refractory cement.
The castings resulting had no observable flaws / defects.
A few days later I tentatively angled-in on how that happened. The head furnaceperson explained - they are on a bonus for low scrap-rate. What I said made sense, so they gave it a try...

The rest of the time was notably amicable with the shop-floor crew. Who did forewarn me that the middle-management always succeeded in expelling anyone with ability. Knowing this was inevitable, I had a lot of fun while the job lasted solving problems which were being deliberately perpetuated.

3rd bridge over the Bosphorus, Turkey, 2015

This US$2.7Billion bridge had its construction stalled in the steel construction phase.

Hundreds of persons on the project had the title of engineer. Yet the problems could not be identified, let-alone solved.
I was recognised for being a metallurgist and welding engineer who also worked as a Trade welder. Why a search of the World found me.

My scientific and technical skills brought this diagnosis: who was working for the objective, and who was working against the objective.
The task was interesting, getting those working "for" the project into one group aligned around a plan, while isolating those working against the project objective.
The engineers and technicians I was working with were very experienced and able in their fields, so it was rewarding being a member of that team which emerged.


I would be happy to apply my accumulated knowledge and experience to Cornish mining/quarrying and minerals activities.

I can tell you - I enjoyed my week of teaching welding at Truro College to the first-year welding apprentices of West Cornwall. These youths with every teenage characteristic were very appreciative and will take those fundamentals forward in their careers. I have the right aptitudes.

I can be contacted directly via this Contact form by which you can pass your details and a message to me and I will respond, establishing a communication channel.

(R. Smith, 09Apr2024 to 11Apr2024)